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The scope and complexity of the Australian taxation system (as with other tax regimes) is daunting for many accounting students. This paper documents the implementation of new practices that were initiated in an effort to address some of the challenges faced by undergraduate students studying taxation. Based on the principles of cognitive load theory, summaries of the lecture material became the focus of tutorials. These summaries provided the impetus for teaching staff to experiment with illustrations as a strategic means of delivery. Drawing diagrams and presenting them in the form of pictorial mnemonics proved to be effective tools in helping students understand and synthesize basic taxation concepts, thereby promoting effective deep learning. Both formal and informal feedback was overwhelmingly positive and affirming of this innovative approach to the subject. A selection of the pictorial mnemonics we designed is provided.  相似文献   
In multicultural societies, much attention is given to children's language learning possibilities. In Estonia, the early language immersion programme for kindergarten children was started in the year 2000. The programme, while considered to be successful, has raised the question of whether the children participating in it are adequately prepared for school. The objective of the present study is to observe the readiness for school of those children who have participated in the early language immersion programme, taking into consideration the objectives of the curriculum and their teachers' and parents' assessments. The method of this study was a questionnaire employed over a three-year period (2009–2011) involving the teachers and parents of those children who were beginning their primary school education. The results of the study revealed that, according to the assessments of their teachers and parents, the readiness for school of the children having completed the early language immersion programme was very good. Data prove that language immersion programmes provide children with enough preparation to make a smooth transition from kindergarten to school life.  相似文献   
我国职业教育近年来异军突起,招生火,就业率高,优势逐渐显现。为了我国职业院校可持续发展、继续保持良性循环,在此提出"引企入校建深度实训基地,提升学生综合职业力"的观点,并从三个方面阐述:一是我国职业教育实训教学现状与存在的问题,二是引企入校建深度实训基地、提升学生综合职业力的特色,三是实施路径。旨在抛砖引玉,探索出符合我国职业教育实训教学发展特色和规律的途径、方法,为加快推进我国经济发展方式转变提供强有力的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   
群体极化现象是指群体成员一开始具有某种偏向,在经过讨论后群体朝偏向的方向继续移动,直至形成极端的结果。大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们朝气蓬勃、富于激情,看重个人名誉,充满正义感,具备较强的集体观念,组织性纪律性强。大学生的这些特征也使得这一群体在事实上更加容易发生极端化的情况。防治大学生群体极化要从重视传统,加强极端化后果教育,注重观点和意见的多样性与平衡,融入协商民主理念等多个方面共同着手。  相似文献   
高职院校"双师型"教师队伍建设是提高高职学生培养质量的关键。高职院校"双师型"师资队伍的建设有培养双重能力、引进兼职教师、实施入职认证三种思路,相应地有"双师素质培养"、"双师结构构建"和"双师资格认证"三种建设模式。高职院校"双师型"教师队伍建设应把握这三种建设模式的实施要点,建立职业教育教师专业标准,实施高职教师资格认证准入制度。  相似文献   
晚清教会学校的商务英语教学是在社会对英语人才需求日盛的背景下所做出的一种世俗化和功利化的选择。其课程设置发轫于以内容为基础的专业英语教学,逐渐增设基于商务语言技能和内容的商务英语课程,并随着教会学校的发展而不断拓展和深化,最后发展为近代化职业教育基础之上的商务英语教学。教学方法从语法翻译法一统天下逐渐向语法翻译法与古安系列法共存的格局转变,且均与其世俗化和功利化的教学理念和目标相适应。尽管存在诸如教学宗旨的宗教属性及跨文化商务交际教学缺失等不足,但其英语与商务知识相结合的课程设置造就了大批商务英语人才。其旨在培养既熟练驾驭英语语言又掌握商务专业知识的复合型英语人才的教育模式,对当今商务英语教学具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
日前,国务院办公厅发布了《关于开展国家教育体制改革试点的通知》,全面公布了国家教育体制改革的重点任务及试点地区、学校。文件其中一项明确提出"改革职业教育办学模式,构建现代职业教育体系"。本文在分析网络系统管理专业毕业生就业能力的基础上,根据其专业特点并结合我院网络系统管理专业实践教学经验,总结出了在实践教学环节逐步培养学生就业能力的实践教学体系和教学方法。  相似文献   
职业教育项目化教材结构设计策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育项目化教材结构是项目化教材的骨架,它不仅反映教材形态,而且影响教材功能,但是,人们对其微观设计没有足够重视。基于这一现状,从项目化教材结构的设计缘由拷问切入,探讨其具体设计策略,可以为现实中的项目化教材结构设计提供思路,使项目化教材结构设计更为规范与科学。  相似文献   
高职院校创业教育的目标定位与实践要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校应将创业教育的目标定位于培育创业型人才,包括实体创业人才和岗位创业人才。在此基础上,选择适当教育内容,确定合适教育形式,培养或聘请必要教师,采取合理评价手段,积极营造校园创业文化,并结合新的改革实践对原有创业教育资源进行调整和完善。  相似文献   
引企入校,开展工学结合教育工作是高职培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线高技能人才的重要环节。目前高职教育在引企入校的过程中出现了各种问题,造成引企入校合作流于形式,合作质量不高。其原因在于,高职院校引企入校前,没有建立较完善的质量监控体系,而构建此体系才是解决问题的良方。  相似文献   
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